So you can shed pounds and boost your energy when diet and exercise efforts aren't 
producing results.

Just enter your name and email for access to this 
FREE Online Masterclass.

In This FREE Masterclass You’ll Discover:

Simple strategies to detox your body daily and naturally so you can unburden your body, boost your energy, promote weight loss, and get back to feeling like your less toxic self again! Here's exactly what will be covered:


How toxins are contributing to weight gain and draining your energy.


Where toxins are hiding in your home and what you can do about it.

​Why juicing doesn’t work for detoxing toxins and what you should be doing instead.​

How to support your body’s daily detoxing abilities without expensive supplements and juices. 


Hi!  I'm Jenn Malecha and I support busy, health-minded professionals in taking back control of their health by giving them access to the right lab tests and resources so they can find the missing pieces of their health puzzle, actually fix what is wrong, and get back to feeling like themselves again.

Using over 20 years of personal training experience, training in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® and Transformational Coaching, I create personalized health-rebuilding programs for clients that are realistic, sustainable for long-lasting results, and that empower clients to be the boss of their own health.

When I started as a personal trainer, I thought I knew all there was to know about getting people the body they wanted and improving their health. But after years of personally calorie counting, trying diet after diet, and excessive exercising, I was left feeling fatigued and frustrated all the time, and so were many of my clients. I even felt like giving up. I loathed my thighs and hated wearing short dresses, and when skinny jeans came on the scene, I thought there was no way in hell I would ever fit into a pair.

But instead of giving up, I funneled my frustration into finding the answer to what was stopping my clients and me from having the body and energy we desired. Low and behold, I found that diet and exercise just aren’t enough sometimes. The body is a complex system, and I had been ignoring some really important pieces of the puzzle, one of which is cleansing the body of built-up toxins that contribute to a sluggish liver! In a recent study by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), up to 420 toxins have been found in the human body across different populations.

The liver plays a HUGE role in eliminating these toxins, and when it’s overloaded with this work, it can’t convert hormones or regulate our metabolism like it’s supposed to in order for us to lose weight and have energy. So many people are missing this crucial piece of the puzzle so I’m on a mission to stop the frustration and to teach more people how to take back control of their health and weight by detoxing the body naturally, daily.

How the Masterclass Can Change Your Life...

Rachel M.

My husband did it along with me - lost several pounds and was thrilled with the results. It was the most reasonable cleanse I have ever done. I drank more water than I ever have (and I thought I drank a lot of water). I discovered that gluten-free really does make a significant difference in my body. Because of the points system and Facebook group - it was even fun. I lost of few pounds and have continued some of the changes I made during the challenge."

Grace G.

“The cleanse challenge was so easy to participate in. From the point system to the weekly webinars and the support and encouragement on the Facebook forum, I never felt like I didn't know what to do next or that I was alone in the process. Only a few days into the cleanse challenge I had more energy and a clearer mind. I've tried other cleanses and they simply don't work. This cleanse does work and I look forward to the next seasonal cleanse challenge."

Jodi V.

“This was the first cleanse I've ever done. What intrigued me about this cleanse was the fact that I could still eat food! I was nervous about cutting out foods I love for 30 days but it was surprisingly easier than I thought. I have found new (healthier) foods that I love now! I'm also able to make healthier choices every day, especially when eating out. I would recommend this cleanse to friends and family and I will definitely participate in the next one!”

Beverly S.

“I had no idea what I was getting myself into and was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to engage the materials and participate. Not to mention that I lost 8 lbs! That was truly an amazing bonus. I've adopted many of the skills we learned during the cleanse, and I'm totally on board for the next one.”

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